23rd Jul2014

Ubuntu: Autostart Dropbox during Boot / System Startup

by Gyro

Today, I wanted to autostart dropbox during boot, so it is loaded during system startup and not only after I login.

To accomplish this, I needed to create a file and execute a few terminal commands.

1. Get startup script

Go to: dropboxwiki.com and click on the "Debian/Ubuntu" bar, copy the code.

2. Create a new file, paste the code into new file, and adjust it a bit

$ sudo nano /etc/init.d/dropbox

You need to provide the username(s) that use dropbox.
Edit the follwing line in the code, replace user1 user2 with the correct username(s):

DROPBOX_USERS="user1 user2"

Save the file, close editor, and make the file executable.
$ sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/dropbox

3. Add the file to the autostart with lower priority

$ sudo update-rc.d -f dropbox remove
$ sudo update-rc.d dropbox defaults 98 02
This will load dropbox near the end of the system startup, found it in the ubuntuforums.

That should be all, enjoy :crazy:


21st Feb2013

Speed up your WordPress with CloudFlare!

by Gyro

My web hosting services provider ServerPilot has integrated CloudFlare into the cPanel!

CloudFlare is Content Deliver Network (CDN) with 22 data centers across the globe, and according to google there are only 9 web services in the world that have more traffic than CloudFlare. It is free, and it will make your website's load lightning fast from anywhere in world!

Even if your website is hosted with a slow hosting provider elsewhere, you can use CloudFlare for free!

If you give CloudFlare a try, make sure you also get the CloudFlare WordPress Plugin! WIth it, you can turn on the "Developer Mode" from your WordPress admin panel -- a must when updating your site, as changes won't show up immediately if the Developer Mode is turned off.

Enjoy! :enjoy:


31st Jul2012

Scan IP Network show Computers Network Devices with Angry IP Scanner

by Gyro

Angry IP Scanner (aka "ipscan") is a network scanner designed to be fast and simple to use. Angry IP Scanner is a open-source and cross-platform software to Scan IP Network show Computers Network Devices in a certain IP range.

Angry IP Scanner not only finds computers and other devices connected to the network. For computers/devices found in the network, it will also display the host name, as well as scan and list their open ports. Angry IP Scanner has many other features to in regards to Scan IP Network show Computers Network Devices.



25th Jul2012

Samsung SCX-3405W Network Printer & Scanner Installation/Configuration on Ubuntu 12.04

by Gyro
Today we got a new printer from Samsung, one reason being that the Installation CD boasted to support Linux. It's actually the first Samsung printer I ever used, so… the "Linux Installation" turned out to be a non-functional Java Applet, which looks like it is supposed to help setup the Printer to connect to the WiFi… needless to say -- it didn't work, at least not until after I had setup and configured the printer, at which point I didn't need to use it anymore.

I configured the wifi settings of the printer using the USB connection, a Windows PC, and the Windows portion of the Installation CD provided with the printer. After it was configured, I disconnected it from the USB, so there is only the power cable now.

Here is the quick and dirty guide on how to install the Samsung SCX-3405W Network Printer (and Scanner) on Ubuntu 12.04, which should also work for older Ubuntu releases, as well as other Debian based distributions.
