Ubuntu: Autostart Dropbox during Boot / System Startup
Today, I wanted to autostart dropbox during boot, so it is loaded during system startup and not only after I login.
To accomplish this, I needed to create a file and execute a few terminal commands.
1. Get startup script
Go to: dropboxwiki.com and click on the "Debian/Ubuntu" bar, copy the code.
2. Create a new file, paste the code into new file, and adjust it a bit
$ sudo nano /etc/init.d/dropbox
You need to provide the username(s) that use dropbox.
Edit the follwing line in the code, replace user1 user2 with the correct username(s):
Save the file, close editor, and make the file executable.
$ sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/dropbox
3. Add the file to the autostart with lower priority
$ sudo update-rc.d -f dropbox remove
$ sudo update-rc.d dropbox defaults 98 02
This will load dropbox near the end of the system startup, found it in the ubuntuforums.
That should be all, enjoy