ISPConfig/Dovecot Fix: message exceeds temporary size limit
A simple ISPConfig/Dovecot Fix: message exceeds temporary size limit.
I just setup a dedicated server as a webserver using ISPConfig as the control panel following pretty much this guide:
The Perfect Server -- Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (nginx, BIND, Dovecot, ISPConfig 3)
Everything went smoothly, until I setup and tested email addresses.
Thunderbird kept giving me this error popup when trying to send an email:
So, I searched Google for that exact phrase as well as part of it, like "The size of the message you are trying to send exceeds a temporary size limit of the server" or "message exceeds a temporary size limit", and so on, then I finally found a small post that (accidentally?) contained the solution, a parameter that was missing in my config file!
It took quite a while to find the answer, so hopefully this post will help others to get the solution quicker
FIX: message exceeds temporary size limit
edit /etc/postfix/ and add this (missing) line:
Final step: restart dovecot:
$ service dovecot restart
Done, enjoy!