Automatically update Twitter – Announce new WordPress Post
I finally took the time to create a twitter app to be able to automatically update the twitter account with an announcement each time I post on Web Design Blog. So, if you got a Twitter account, it now makes sense to follow me
If you are curious how I did it, here the 2 minute guide:
1. You need a WordPress Blog.
2. You need a Twitter Account.
3. Login to the Twitter Developers area with your twitter account details. Click on "Create a new application" and fill out the needed details. You can give your application any name, but needs to be unique, mine is "webdesignblog posts". After you created the App, update the App "Settings" by changing the Access to "Read and Write" under "Application Type". Last step is to create your access token in the "Details" page of you app.
4. WP Admin -- go to "Plugins/Add New", search for and install "Next Scripts Social Networks Auto-Poster".
5. WP Admin -- go to "Plugins/Installed Plugins", and click on "Settings" for the "Next Scripts Social Networks Auto-Poster" plugin. Add the details from your Twitter App under "Twitter Settings". You can also setup the format of the twitter posts that will be created.
That's it, whenever you create a new post, it will be automatically announced on your twitter account.
Thanks, you can get the “Next Scripts Social Networks Auto-Poster” plugin directly from here:
Thanks for such an interesting article here. I was searching for something like that for quite a long time and at last I have found it here.