18th Oct2013
Author: Gyro

How to install MS Office 2007 in Ubuntu 12.04 using wine

This is a quick and easy guide on how to install MS Office 2007 in Ubuntu 12.04 using wine. This includes winetricks settings to run Office 2007 using wine.

Most of what you can read here comes from an excellent post I found explaining how to do this on Ubuntu. I have slightly modified those steps, in order to make the installation on Ubuntu 12.04 as easy and as fast as possible.

1. Install wine1.4, winetricks, wine-gecko1.4.
If winbind is not installed install it also.
~$ sudo apt-get install wine1.4 winetricks wine-gecko1.4

2. Install Microsoft Core fonts
~$ sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts
~$ sudo apt-get install ttf-mscorefonts-installer

If you have any problem with the installation then download the offline installer and do the setup as follows:
~$ wget http://imaginux.com/repos/pool/renzo/msttcorefonts-offline_1.0-0ubuntu1_all.deb
~$ sudo dpkg -i msttcorefonts-offline_1.0-0ubuntu1_all.deb

3. 32 bit users can directly go to step 4.
64 bit users only must run the following commands in a terminal. This will set the Windows version as 32 bit, as Microsoft Office is available for 32 bit only.

Warning: rm -rf ~/.wine will remove all programs and configurations you have setup under wine. If you have something important in that directory please backup BEFORE running the following commands.

~$ rm -rf ~/.wine
~$ export WINEARCH=win32
~$ wineboot --update

4. Make sure you got the files you need for step 5.
Check if the folder "~/.cache/winetricks/msxml3" exists, containing the file "msxml3.msi". You may have to create the folder, download the file, and place the file into it.
You can download "msxml3.msi" from:

5. Run winetricks and go through the individual installation windows
~$ winetricks
Select "Install a Windows DLL or Component".

In the next window tick the following packages
a) dotnet20
b) msxml3
c) gdiplus
d) riched20
e) riched30
f) vcrun2005

Press Ok.

This step could also be run via command line:
~$ winetricks dotnet20 msxml3 gdiplus riched20 riched30 vcrun2005

If the dotnet20 Installation fails

It may return the error: dotnet20 requires Microsoft Installer 3.0.

In that case download Microsoft Installer 3 and install it:
~$ wine [ path to installer ]

You can download Microsoft Installer 3 here:

After you installed Microsoft Installer 3, reset your wine again.

Warning: rm -rf ~/.wine will remove all programs and configurations you have setup under wine. If you have something important in that directory please backup BEFORE running the following commands.

~$ rm -rf ~/.wine
~$ export WINEARCH=win32
~$ wineboot --update
~$ winecfg

now restart Step 5.

6. Install Office 2007
Navigate to the folder where the Setup.exe is locates and run it with wine.
~$ wine ./Setup.exe

You will find all installed office apps in your dash home.

On First Run, select "I dont want to use Microsoft Update".

Extra: Download and Install SP2 or SP3

Since Service Pack 2 you have the option to Save As… PDF, so it may be good idea to install at least that one.

Service Pack 2
~$ wget http://download.microsoft.com/download/A/1/4/A14E308D-529C-48F9-9DAF-7C3BDC88FA57/office2007sp2-kb953195-fullfile-en-us.exe
~$ wine ./office2007sp2-kb953195-fullfile-en-us.exe

Service Pack 3
~$ wget http://download.microsoft.com/download/2/2/A/22AA9422-C45D-46FA-808F-179A1BEBB2A7/office2007sp3-kb2526086-fullfile-en-us.exe
~$ wine ./office2007sp3-kb2526086-fullfile-en-us.exe



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5 Responses to “How to install MS Office 2007 in Ubuntu 12.04 using wine”

  • M Davis

    Hi. This worked for me until installing the Service Packs.
    SP2 gives the message “The instalation of the package failed”

    SP£ gives “The detection failed. This could be due to a corrupted installed database”, though the first time it semed like it was working but then gave the message “The installation of the package failed”

    Any ideas?

    • Gyro

      Hi, I never tested installing the Service Packs. I strongly believe in the saying “never touch a running system”. Office is not really something related to security and runs well without the SPs. I tend to not install Service Packs unless there is a problem that needs to be solved by installing a Service Pack.

      So, unfortunately, I can’t help with that… if you get the SPs installed, I’d be very happy to hear about how you managed to do it in the end. I am sure there are others who would prefer to install them, too. :)

  • ReyMan

    Installation stalled for 2007 Office Home and Student 2007, it “can’t find onenote.en.us/onoteLR.cab ” using the original installation CD.

  • wadragunov

    can’t get past installing dotnet_20. Note: command ‘load_dotnet20’ returned status 2. Aborting. Is the error i receive. any suggestions. still looking for answers on my own

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