28th Sep2016

Prevent duplicate Drafts, Junk, Sent, Trash folders in Dovecot

by Gyro

I've set up a new mail server for a client, and then used imapsync to copy all existing mail from the old server to the new server.

Everything seemed to have run smoothly, but shortly after they started using email via the new server, they had multiple folders for drafts, junk, sent, and trash.

After investigating this a bit, I found out that different mail clients expect different folder names on the server, and dovecot will create them when missing.

This really confused me, as this was not happening on the old server, so why was this now happening on the new server?!

Well, I could have prevented this from happening, if I would have had a look at the old server's configuration.

Turns out, you have to configure "Namespaces" to properly configure folders and possible duplicates.

Below is the configuration that was (and now is) in place. It has to be added to /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf

namespace inbox {
  type = private
  separator = .
  prefix = INBOX.
  inbox = yes

  mailbox Drafts {
    special_use = \Drafts
    auto = subscribe

  mailbox Junk {
    special_use = \Junk
    auto = create

  mailbox spam {
    special_use = \Junk
    auto = no

  mailbox Spam {
    special_use = \Junk
    auto = no

  mailbox Trash {
    special_use = \Trash
    auto = subscribe

  mailbox Sent {
    special_use = \Sent
    auto = subscribe

  mailbox "Sent Mail" {
    special_use = \Sent
    auto = no

  mailbox "Sent Messages" {
    special_use = \Sent
    auto = no

  mailbox Archive {
    special_use = \Archive
    auto = create

  mailbox "Archives" {
    special_use = \Archive
    auto = no

With this configuration you get this setup:


Meaning, the Drafts, Junk, Trash, and Sent folders will reside inside the Inbox. Mail clients wanting to be different will have their special folder names mapped to the "one and only" folder of that type, such as iPhone's "Sent Messages" being the actual "Sent" folder.

I hope this helps anyone facing the same issue. Please leave a comment, if you found another special folder name that should be added to this list.

Enjoy! :)


26th Sep2016

Load ISPConfig on subdomain using website’s ssl certificate

by Gyro

I've spent the last few days installing and configuring ISPConfig 3.1 on a new server, and one thing I really don't like about ISPConfig is the custom port it is running on.

So, I thought it would be really cool to use a subdomain instead and forget about the port all together.

It took me quite a while to figure out how to make ISPConfig load on a subdomain and have the subdomain configured for each website automatically. Of course I googled it, but information on how to accomplish this is quite rare (non-existent?), and I had to take stuff from a few different sources to come up with the (in my opinion) perfect solution.

The result: ISPConfig loads on an automatically configured subdomain and even works with each website's ssl certificate!

EDIT: This approach currently does not work with letsencrypt, because letsencrypt does not create a SSL certificate including the subdomain used for ISPConfig, so your browser willl warn you about an invalid SSL certicate being used. I am working on a solution. If you have a wildcard SSL certificate from a different vendor, this will work though.


1. Make sure the following mods are enabled
~$ sudo a2enmod proxy_http
~$ sudo a2enmod proxy

2. You have to activate SSL for each website
A self-signed SSL certificate is sufficient, but I recommend getting a free one from StartSSL or LetsEncrypt.
ISPConfig 3.1+ can automatically setup a valid LetsEncrypt SSL certificate for each website.

Modify Vhost Master Template

~$ sudo nano /usr/local/ispconfig/server/conf/vhost.conf.master

Add the following code directly under </VirtualHost>, near the bottom of the file.

This will only work with https, and it will redirect http to https

# START: Add ISPConfig subdomain to all accounts
<tmpl_if name='ssl_enabled'>
<VirtualHost {tmpl_var name='ip_address'}:{tmpl_var name='port'}>
ServerName panel.{tmpl_var name='domain'}
SSLProxyEngine On
SSLProxyVerify none
SSLProxyCheckPeerCN off
SSLProxyCheckPeerName off
SSLProxyCheckPeerExpire off
ProxyVia off
ProxyRequests off
ProxyPreserveHost on
ProxyPass / https://localhost:1155/
ProxyPassReverse / https://localhost:1155/
# Redirect unsecure to secure connection
<VirtualHost {tmpl_var name='ip_address'}:{tmpl_var name='port'}>
ServerName panel.{tmpl_var name='domain'}
Redirect 301 / https://panel.{tmpl_var name='domain'}/
# END: Add ISPConfig subdomain to all accounts

This will work with both -- http and https conections

# START: Add ISPConfig subdomain to all accounts
<tmpl_if name='ssl_enabled'>
<VirtualHost {tmpl_var name='ip_address'}:{tmpl_var name='port'}>
ServerName panel.{tmpl_var name='domain'}
SSLProxyEngine On
SSLProxyVerify none
SSLProxyCheckPeerCN off
SSLProxyCheckPeerName off
SSLProxyCheckPeerExpire off
ProxyVia off
ProxyRequests off
ProxyPreserveHost on
ProxyPass / https://localhost:1155/
ProxyPassReverse / https://localhost:1155/
<VirtualHost {tmpl_var name='ip_address'}:{tmpl_var name='port'}>
ServerName panel.{tmpl_var name='domain'}
SSLProxyEngine On
SSLProxyVerify none
SSLProxyCheckPeerCN off
SSLProxyCheckPeerName off
SSLProxyCheckPeerExpire off
ProxyVia off
ProxyRequests off
ProxyPreserveHost on
ProxyPass / https://localhost:1155/
ProxyPassReverse / https://localhost:1155/
# END: Add ISPConfig subdomain to all accounts


1. You have to change the port (1155) to match the port that your ISConfig installation runs on (default is 8080).
2. You may want to replace "panel" with a different word for the subdomain.

Enjoy! :)