08th Jul2019
How To Install IonCube Loader On Ubuntu running PHP 5.6 | PHP 7.2 | PHP 7.3

How To Install IonCube Loader On Ubuntu running PHP 5.6 | PHP 7.2 | PHP 7.3

I just wanted to install Softaculous in ISPConfig on a server running Ubuntu 18.04, but stumbled upon the requirement of the ionCube Loader. The ionCube Loader is used by...

28th Sep2016
Prevent duplicate Drafts, Junk, Sent, Trash folders in Dovecot

Prevent duplicate Drafts, Junk, Sent, Trash folders in Dovecot

I've set up a new mail server for a client, and then used imapsync to copy all existing mail from the old server to the new server....

26th Sep2016
Load ISPConfig on subdomain using website’s ssl certificate

Load ISPConfig on subdomain using website’s ssl certificate

I've spent the last few days installing and configuring ISPConfig 3.1 on a new server, and one thing I really don't like about ISPConfig is the custom...

06th May2016
WP Lightbox stopped working – jQuery version the culprit.

WP Lightbox stopped working – jQuery version the culprit.

I just spent a while trying to figure out why a lightbox stopped working on a friend's WP site. Supposedly nothing had changed… and looking at the...

29th May2015
Report to New Relic APM on cPanel/CloudLinux with CageFS

Report to New Relic APM on cPanel/CloudLinux with CageFS

I finally found out how to get PHP apps hosted on a cPanel server with CloudLinux and CageFS enabled to report to New Relic APM. Since I...

06th May2015
Simple “Are you sure?” warning for unsaved changes in WP

Simple “Are you sure?” warning for unsaved changes in WP

I spent quite a few hours getting a seemingly simple piece of javascript to work in a WP plugin I am currently working on. Naturally, I started...

28th Apr2015
Unable to connect to github.com using git://github.com

Unable to connect to github.com using git://github.com

While installing boostrap-sass using bower, the server returned a weird error message. I was a bit confused as this was working perfectly fine on my localhost, after...

09th Feb2015
SEO Best Practice: Subdomains or Sub-folders?

SEO Best Practice: Subdomains or Sub-folders?

When to use Subdomains or Subfolders for better SEO I follow moz quite a lot, and there is an article that made me think a lot. 5....

30th Dec2014
PHP Perfection: Ajax Image Upload Script

PHP Perfection: Ajax Image Upload Script

Today I stumbled upon a neat little PHP image upload script that includes the html/js front-end script to easily upload images. The script displays a simple upload...

04th Nov2014
ISPConfig/Dovecot Fix: message exceeds temporary size limit

ISPConfig/Dovecot Fix: message exceeds temporary size limit

A simple ISPConfig/Dovecot Fix: message exceeds temporary size limit. I just setup a dedicated server as a webserver using ISPConfig as the control panel following pretty much...

08th Aug2014
Best way to manipulate images using PHP?

Best way to manipulate images using PHP?

I have deployed lots of different solutions to manipulate images with PHP, but today I stumbled upon probably the best PHP library out there. It is called...

06th Aug2014
Comming Soon: HHVM Support in WHM/cPanel?

Comming Soon: HHVM Support in WHM/cPanel?

Great news everyone, it looks like cPanel is gearing up to integrate HHVM (HipHip Virtual Machine)! I just received a notification from the official features request section...

05th Aug2014
Free Styles for Google Maps

Free Styles for Google Maps

Today, I was working on a website that needed a Google map and ran into a real problem: None of the "looks" really fit in the design...

02nd Aug2014
FIX: Skype 4.3 for Linux crashes after start

FIX: Skype 4.3 for Linux crashes after start

Yesterday, Microshit forced all Linux Skype users to update to version 4.3 and made is "impossible" to keep your chat history. Reason being, they changed something in...

23rd Jul2014
Ubuntu: Autostart Dropbox during Boot / System Startup

Ubuntu: Autostart Dropbox during Boot / System Startup

Today, I wanted to autostart dropbox during boot, so it is loaded during system startup and not only after I login. To accomplish this, I needed to...

30th Jun2014
Using qTranslate with WordPress 3.9++

Using qTranslate with WordPress 3.9++

I've been a long time fan of Qian Qin's qTranslate plugin, which allows you to translate just about everything you need to have a multilinugal website running...

26th Jun2014
VirtualBox – moving a VDI file and re-linking it to the Guest

VirtualBox – moving a VDI file and re-linking it to the Guest

Today I decided to move my vdi files to another partition. So, I moved them and then started the Oracle VM VirtuaBox Manager to re-link the vdi...

23rd Jan2014
Update/Install ImageMagick on CentOS 5 and CentOS 6

Update/Install ImageMagick on CentOS 5 and CentOS 6

Today I had a classic example of what happens when you do not RTFM. I had to install ImageMagick on a webserver running CentOS 5 with cPanel....
